Want to know me better? Then look no further...

How did I get to where I am today?

Born and raised in Nottingham, UK, where I studied Photography, Graphic Design and Game Development before finding myself in employment working for an accountancy firm straight out of College.

Since then I have continued to work both in the private sector for a large educational supplier and also in the public sector working with benefit claims and social care funding.

During the Covid Pandemic I found that as I had more time on my hands I wanted to develop my skills, so in my spare time I started to learn about computer programming and web development and found that I found it extremely engaging. I love being able to design and make applications that are accesible for people to use and to be able to solve real world problems by coming up with and creating applications. Over the past couple of years I have spent countless hours with online courses, youtube videos, with my head in various books, and in conversation with people who work in the industry to help me develop my skills.

I now find myself in a position where I am looking for a job working in the web / software development industry so that I can continue to grow my skills and pursue my new passion, the biggest roadblock I currently face in my development is time, as I continue to work full time and study/ develop in my spare time. Being able to start a career in the industry would allow me to focus on my development during my working day as well as in my spare time and I know given that extra time I would become a great developer.

What do I do when I'm not working?

If you're going to hire me then you probably want to know what kind of conversations we're going to have next to the water cooler, so outside of work and study I have a number of interests and hobbies:

  • Running
  • Computer Games
  • Board Games
  • Watching Sports
  • Going for walks with my family

My hobbies and interests play a huge role in keeping a mentally healthy lifestyle and in particular I find that running really helps me to clear my head. Quite often after a tough week at work and studying I find that on my weekend long runs my creativity starts to come alive again and I come up with new ideas for applications or I resolve problems that I have become stuck with.

Running and training for events like Marathons has also taught me that it doesn't matter how tough something might seem or how far away you think your goal is, if you work hard enough at something and believe in yourself then anything is possible. Which is something that gives me great confidence as I pursue a new career.

So why hire or work with me?

Whilst I may currently lack "experience" in the industry I have a wealth of other valuable attributes to consider hiring me for:

From an early age I have demonstrated that I am willing to work hard, I became a qualified football referee at the age of 14 and spent most of my weekends officiating matches, straight out of college I found myself a job as I knew that the University system would not work out for me and I have remained in employment to this date.

Whilst my career path has varied in different sectors this only demonstrates my ability to adapt and transfer skills from each job to the next. I have been quick to learn new software and adapted to new ways of working, and have worked in both small and large teams.

My employers have found me responsible enough to deal with things ranging from book-keeping for large businesses, over-seeing the equipping and delivering of goods for brand new schools, dealing with benefit claimants and social care patients face to face, and dealing with complex complaints requiring a knowledge of goverment legislation.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me better. I would love to hear from you so please get in touch